It is important to check bingos in this game-that's where the discussion and continued learning comes in. Play continues until one student has five spaces in a row covered and calls 'bingo'.
If the student has the word that corresponds to the definition it is covered, if not no action is taken. The teacher chooses a definition and reads it out loud for the class to hear. When each student has 25 words on their board begin the game. (If the word 'house' is on your bingo board, you will hear me say something like, 'a structure with four outside walls, a door for entry, many inside rooms, that a family may choose to live in.') Stress to them that they must know what the word means as you will be reading the definition and not the word itself.
The student chooses 25 words to place on their board. On game day display only the list of words for students. Students may make their own board on their own paper if you don't print them.
You may also print up bingo boards, blank squares, if you wish. Prior to activity day the teacher must decide on a list of words and agreed upon definitions for at least 30 words that students will use.